Tagged with 'TwinPath Slings'

TwinPath Turbo Compressor Lift

Turbo compressor lifted with Slingmax Twinpath Slings

Hanes Supply was contacted by a customer to assist in the assessment and supply of rigging equipment to move a turbo compressor unit weighing 356,000 pounds. Upon evaluation it was found that some obstacles existed. There were two large funnels coming out of the top of the unit and a row of bayonet fittings that would be in the way of traditional rigging. The unit was manufactured with lifting lugs in place but the funnels prevented using two overhead hooks to rig the load out from the center on each end.

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52 TwinPath Slings

Slingmax Twinpath slings on test bed
Hanes Supply recently manufactured 52 each TPXC 10000 x 20' long High Performance Twin-Path Slings with Tell Tails and Fiber Optics. The Slings have a vertical Capacity of 100,000 pounds. The weight of each Sling is only 51 pounds each. Our team of Tim Frederick (not pictured), Ron Learn, Kevin Gruber, Gary Learn (not pictured), Dan Faulhaber and Greg Koch lead the production and testing.

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Southern Tier TwinPath Lift

Twinpath slings used for bridge lift
This 40,000 pound Twin-Path sling lift for this bridge was with in the Southern Tier of New York. There were three decks weighing 40,000 pounds each. Each of the three decks were 10' wide by 22' long and had to be lifted, rotated and lowered into place to build this bridge. This was completed in only three hours.

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Rotor Lift Ergonomic Improvement

Rotor held up with TwinPath slings
An Electric Power Producer needed to update the Rigging for their 80 ton Rotor. Hanes Supply conducted an on-site review with Engineering and Rigging Superintendents resulting in the following recommendations. Wire Rope Slings to be replaced with TwinPath High Performance Slings.

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