Nylon Web and Polyester Sling Information
At Hanes Supply, Inc.'s Buffalo Sling, we manufacture custom Nylon Slings, Web Slings, Polyester Slings, Twin-Path® Slings and Slingmax® Slings. Make sure you know the use, load and conditions for the sling you need. OSHA standards demand that the rated capacity be noted on each sling. Never exceed rated capacities of a web sling.
Each Buffalo Web Sling has a tag that states the manufacturer, the type of material, rated capacities, type of sling, and length and width of the sling. Each Buffalo Sling also has a warning tag about inspection and restrictions as to the web sling. Reading the facts about web slings should help you decide. If you have any questions, give Buffalo Sling a call at 888-426-3755.
What is the Difference Between a Nylon Sling and a Polyester Sling?
Nylon Web Sling – Strong and Economical
Nylon is strong, lightweight and very flexible. It is highly resistant to alkalies, but should not be used in acid conditions. When treated for abrasion it has a stretch factor of 10%. Nylon can be used in temperatures up to 194°F.
Polyester Web – Less Stretch & Acid Resistant
Polyester webbing has become very valuable especially in applications that subject the sling to acid conditions. Also polyester slings are excellent where headroom is limited because of the webbing’s low stretch characteristics. Polyester can be used in temperatures up to 194°F.